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Texas History Page on the Internet. A new web site for those who love Texas History and want more.
The Early History of Montgomery County, Texas by Kameron K. Searle, including a detailed history of the founding of the town of Montgomery, Texas.
Article about the marriage of Charles Bellinger Stewart during the darkest days of the Texas Revolution while he served as a delegate to the Convention at Washingto-on-the-Brazos in March 1836.
Last will and testament of Owen Shannon. Probate records from the estate of Owen Shannon a citizen of Austin's Colony in the State of Coahuila and Texas, Mexico.
Andrew Montgomery never received a Mexican land grant from Empresario Stephen F. Austin in any of Austin's colonies. He was in fact a colonist in another colony, Robertson's Colony.
William Montgomery received a land grant from Stephen F. Austin which is located entirely in Grimes County today. No part of the land grant is located in today's Montgomery County.
Evidence that Owen Shannon died in 1834. This page also explains why Owen Shannon only had one quarter of his Headright League left at the time of his death.
Minutes of the first Montgomery County Commissioners Court meeting on March 1
1838 when W. W. Shepperd induced Commissioners Court to make the Town of Montgomery the county seat of Montgomery County
In 1936, two monuments were erected in Montgomery County, Texas to commemorate the centenary of Texas Independence. One monument commemorating the founding of Montgomery County and another commemorating the founding of the Town of Montgomery, Texas.
Stephen F. Austin's Register of Families proves that Andrew Montgomery and Owen Shannon were farmers and NOT the owners of a trading post.
Text of the Act creating Montgomery County, Texas on December 14, 1837.
Biography of W. W. Shepperd, early Texas settler and founder of the Town of Montgomery, Texas.
W. W. Shepperd was the first postmaster of Montgomery, Texas. Primary documents and records.
Copy of a note signed by John Crane in behalf of W. W. Shepperd. Notes on back are in the handwriting of C. B. Stewart as attorney for W. W. Shepperd concerning filing with the probate court of Montgomery County, Texas.
In 1839, W. W. Shepperd sold his interest in the town of Montgomery, Texas to James McCown. The sale was unusual because James McCown paid Shepperd for the town with seven slaves.
Towns founded by the Shepperd family in North Carolina, the Republic of Texas and the State of Texas.
In 1848, the Town of Montgomery, Texas was incorporated by the Texas Legislature. Chapter 191. An Act to Incorporate the Town of Montgomery. Copy of Act with transcription.
Biography of Charles B. Stewart written by Sam Houston Dixon in 1924. Stewart was the first Secretary of State of Texas and a signer of the Texas Declarartion of Independence.
Historical information about the first Montgomery County courthouse in Montgomery County, Texas. The original couthouse was a house owned by the founder of the Town of Montgomery, Texas named W. W. Shepperd.
The Alfred and Matilda Morris House in Montgomery, Texas. Also known as the Patton House. Matilda Parmer was the daughter of Martin Parmer who signed the Texas Declaration of Independence.
Biography of Jacob Shepperd, early Texas settler and revolutionary soldier in the Texas army in its fight for independence against Mexico. Jacob Shepperd saved the life of Santa Anna by delivering an express from Sam Houston to the Texas army.
Advertisement for lots in the town of Montgomery, Texas in July 2, 1845 editon of the Montgomery Patriot newspaper that makes clear reference to the Lake Creek Settlement.
Historian asks for your help in finding specific documents and information relating to the so-called Montgomery Trading Post or Montgomery Settlement
Historian asks for your help in finding specific documents and information relating to the Montgomery Trading Post or Montgomery Settlement.
Historian asks for your help in finding additional documents and information relating to the history of the Lake Creek Settlement prior to the founding of the Town of Montgomery, Texas in 1837.
Where did Major John Wyatt Moody get his military rank? Help wanted. Author seeks your help with a question about Texan J. W. Moody.
Trying to get information about Geroge M. Crittenden for a Montgomery County, Texas history book that is being written. G. M. Crittenden is said to have written a group of Grimes County Texas history papers commonly referred to as the Crittenden Papers.
Zachariah Landrum family and related families in Austin's Second Colony, the Lake Creek Settlement, Washington Municipality, later Washington County and later Montgomery County, Texas. Includes Landrum, Springer, Worsham and Rankin.
The Town of Montgomery, Texas was founded by W. W. Shepperd in two distinct phases - the town under the hill and the town on the hill.
There was no trading post being operated by Owen or Jacob Shannon near the current location of Montgomery, Texas in 1826 as many poorly researched histories teach. Documents prove that the Shannons were still living in Nacogdoches as late as 1830.
History of the Lake Creek Settlement and the founding of the Town of Montgomery, Texas in July, 1837.
Record of the marriage of C. B. Stewart and Julia Shepperd on March 11, 1836 at the home of W. W. Shepperd in the Lake Creek Settlement in the Washington Municipality during the Texas Revolution.
Names associated with the Lake Creek Settlement in Texas. Names mentioned in Lake Creek Settlement documents and records as parties, witnesses, landowners, officials, etc.
1861 map highlighted to show the boundaries of the Lake Creek Settlement in Texas prior to July, 1837.
Town Creek in the history of Montgomery, Texas. The naming of Town Creek did not precede the founding of the Town of Montgomery in July 1837.
A bibliography or reference list for historical sources regarding the lands known as the Lake Creek Settlement in Texas.
Enlargement of page 1 of the minutes of the first Commissioners' Court meeting of Montgomery County, Texas held on March 1, 1838. Town of Montgomery becomes first county seat of Montgomery County, Texas.
A list of the social, military and political connections between John Wyatt Moody, W. W. Shepperd, Charles B. Stewart and the Second Congress of the Republic of Texas that created Montgomery County in December of 1837.
Information about the surveys and english field notes prepared by Elias R. Wightman in 1831 in what is today westen Montgomery County, Texas. Gives details including the roads and traces then in existence in 1831 in that part of Texas.
Washington County Commissioners Court minutes regarding roads in the Lake Creek Settlement in 1837.
History of the Indian Trading Post that became the Town of Montgomery, Texas.
Map showing the 600 acres of land purchased by William C. Clark from John Corner in the John Corner League on January 1, 1831.
Map showing the 200 acres of land purchased by W. W. Shepperd from William C. Clark in the John Corner League on September 15, 1835. This would be the original site of the Town of Montgomery, Texas "under the hill" in July of 1837.
Map showing the original town site of Montgomery, Texas "under the hill in 1837" and the new town site of Montgomery, Texas "on the hill" in 1838.
John Wyatt Moody was the First Auditor of the Republic of Texas. W. W. Shepperd, in partnership with J. W. Moody, founded the Town of Montgomery, Texas in July 1837.
Evidence regarding the evolution of the Montgomery Trading Post Myth. Historiography of Montgomery County, Texas and the Town of Montgomery, Texas.
Transcription of 1825 Petition to the President of the United States from the citizens of Miller County in the Arkansas Territory concerning the settlements and treaties with the Choctaw Indians. Signed by Andrew Montgomery.
Transcription of 1828 Petition to Governor Izard from the citizens of Pecan Point in Miller County in the Arkansas Territory regarding the Indians. Signed by Andrew Montgomery.
In 1991, Bessie Price Owen and the Montgomery Intermediate School History Club applied for a Texas State Historical Marker for the so-called Montgomery Trading Post. It was rejected. This is the history of that application.
A detailed history of the creation of Montgomery County, Texas (1836-1837).
Newspaper articles written for the Montgomery County News by Kameron Searle about the history of the Lake Creek Settlement and the founding of the Town of Montgomery, Texas.
Article about Washington and Montgomery County Texas election returns from 1836, 1837 and 1838 regarding county officials elected in the Lake Creek Settlement.
Article about the army volunteers from the Lake Creek Settlement who fought in the Texas Revolution in 1835 and 1836.
Article about the army volunteers from the Lake Creek Settlement who fought in the Texas Revolution in 1835 and 1836. This article focuses on John Marshall Wade who manned the Twin Sisters during the Battle of San Jacinto.
Article about the army volunteers from the Lake Creek Settlement who fought in the Texas Revolution in 1835 and 1836. This article focuses on Jacob H. Shepperd and his military career in Texas.
References to the Lake Creek Settlement in the Day Book of Charles B. Stewart.
Letter to the Editor of the Montgomery County News regarding the Indian Trading Post that preceded the town of Montgomery, Texas.
The petition that resulted in the creation of Montgomery County in 1837. Signed by the citizens of Washington County on the east side of the Brazos River, the original petition did not specify a name for the new county.
Letter to the editor by Kameron Searle responding to Robin Montgomery's May 20, 2009 letter to the editor in the Montgomery County News.
Letter to the editor describing the changes made in Montgomery family tradition in the 1950's and its adverse effects on the written history of the town and county of Montgomery, Texas.
Article about the Montgomery Trading Post Myth and the ease with which local "historians" have adopted and
discarded nonhistorical details regarding the Indian trading post that preceded the founding of the town of Montgomery, Texas.
Newspaper article discusses the lack of primary historical sources for an alleged indian trading post allegedly operated by Jacob Shannon in a community supposedly named after James and Magaret Montgomery. Article also points our how the history of the so-called Montgomery Trading Post has evolved over time.
Newspaper article discusses the lack of primary historical sources for an alleged Indian Trading Post allegedly operated by Andrew Montgomery. Article also points our how the history of the so-called Montgomery Trading Post has evolved over time.
In 1952, J. L. Montgomery advised that Montgomery County, Texas was named after William Montgomery. 23 three years later, his grandson wrote that the county was named after Andrew Montgomery. Why?
Newspaper article regarding problems with history that alleges Andrew Montgomery operated an Indian trading post on land he did not own from 1823-1829 in Mexican Texas and in Austin's Colony.
Newspaper article from the Montgomery County News about W. W. Shepperd the founder of the Town of Montgomery, Texas.
Letter to the Editor of the Montgomery County News written by Carrol D. Cagle regarding the naming of the Town of Montgomery, Texas after Lemuel Montgomery.
History of the Methodist Church in Montgomery Texas.
Origin of the Lone Star Flag of Texas by David Martin.
Evidence that Peter Krag did not design the Lone Star Flag of Texas. Republic Claim proving he only prepared a draft "of the contemplated National flag [and] Seal for the use of the Senate accompanying the report of the Committee..."
Original Drawing of the Charles B. Stewart Lone Star Flag of Texas in the Charles Bellinger Stewart Papers in the Texas State Library and Archives.
In 1997 the Texas Legislature confirmed that Montgomery County was the birthplace of the Texas Lone Star Flag by reading House Resolution 1123 into the legislative record
History of the Lone Star Flag of Texas as illustrated in various primary documents.
Sam Houston rode a gray horse. A history of the horse upon which Sam Houston rode into the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836.
Sam Houston rode a gray horse. A history of the horse upon which Sam Houston rode into the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836.
Biography of General Sam Houston written in 1924 before political correctness and revisionist history. Sam Houston and the battle of San Jacinto the way your grandfather learned about them.
A history of the famous Twin Sisters used in the Battle of San Jacinto to win Texas independence. Where are the Twin Sisters? Beginning with the 1913 article by S. O. Young, we look at all the evidence.
The Texas Declaration of Independence from Mexico dated March 2, 1836 at the Town of Washington. Copy of original document with transcription.
Sam Houston's first battlefield selection in the Texas war for independence. Evidence that Sam Houston and the Texas army intended to fight Santa Anna and the Mexican army well before the Battle of San Jacinto. Did the decisive battle for Texas Independence almost occur somewhere else?
Biography of the Anson Jones the last President of the Republic of Texas. Anson Jones was instrumental in negotiating the annexation of Texas by the United State of America.
History of the Convention at Washington on the Brazos and the Texas Declaration of Independence written by Sam Houston Dixon.
Complete text of the pamphlet entitled "Defence of James W. Parker Against Slanderous Accusations" published in Houston, Texas in 1839 in response to the accusations of W. W. Shepperd.
History of the German Texans in early Texas. Beginning with Indian captive Hermann Lehmann.
Washington Lodge No. 18 of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas A. F. & A. M. is the Masonic Lodge chartered at Washington-on-the-Brazos. Contact information about Washington Lodge #18.
Biography of early Texas settler George Washington Wright.
Information on how to submit a Texas history article or biography to the Texas History Page.
The Archives of the Texas Heritage Society have been collected on this page. Texas history and Texas genealogy.
Information on how to submit a press release or news article about a upcoming Texas history event to the Texas History Page Blog.
Photos and information about the dedication of the Lake Creek Settlement Marker on February 25, 2017 in Montgomery, Texas.
Biography of Martin Parmer compiled from primary historical sources.
Article regarding the killing of Gus Palmer and Buddy Palmer in October of 1906.
Articles of Agreement entered into between Jacob Shannon and his sister Rutha (Ruth) Miller in 1833 in the Lake Creek Settlement in Austin's Colony in Texas.
Define historiography. Definition of historiography. The history of history.
The history and genealogy of the Patoni Family of Mexico.
Primary source document - definitions as defined by dictionaries and various historians. Primary sources and primary documents.
William H. Wharton's early 1836 history regarding causes of the Texas Revolution with Mexico.
Fifty-Five Years Ago in the Wilderness or The Old Ringtail Panther of Missouri published originally by Tom Parmer in 1874 and restored and republished by Kameron K. Searle in 2007
PDF of the Searle Record by Sardis Chapman of Southampton, Massachusetts. Copied, indexed and typed by Mrs. Max Lederer and presented to the Submit Clark Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution
Contact the TexasHistoryPage.Com to suggest and submit articles for publication.
