Texas Heritage Society Archives
On this page, we will look at some of the memorable activites and events from the Texas Heritage Society archives.

On November 21, 2009, the Texas Heritage Society with the Harris County Historical Commission
conducted the marker dedication ceremony for the Anson Jones Texas Historical Commission marker in Glenwood
Cemetery in Houston, Texas. Below are some of the many photos taken at the dedication ceremony. All photos
on this page were taken by Texas Heritage Society Publicity Chair, Pat Spackey. More photos will be added
over the next few days as they come in.

Some of the members of the Texas Heritage Society, the Harris County Historical Commission,
the Daughters of the Republic of Texas and the Sons of the Republic of Texas who were present at the
Anson Jones marker dedication ceremony. The Texas Heritage Society sponsored its first Texas State
Historical marker dedication ceremony with the marker granted by the Texas Historical Commission for
Anson Jones, the last President of the Republic of Texas. The Anson Jones Texas Historical marker
dedication ceremony was a huge success. More than 110 people attended the dedication ceremony on
Saturday, November 21, 2009 at Glenwood Cemetery, 2525 Washington Avenue, Houston, Texas.
Anson Jones Marker Unveiled

The Texas State Historical marker for Anson Jones, the last President of the Republic of Texas,
was unveiled by Patrick Van Pelt, Chairman of the Harris County Historical Commission and W. Vernon Burke, Jr.,
Past Grand Master of Masons in Texas.
Text of Anson JonesTexas Historical Marker

Special thanks to Texas Heritage Society Editor, Melinda Reeves Cagle, for the spectacular job
she did on the Anson Jones marker dedication ceremony printed programs. We have already received a number of
compliments from people who have been attending historical marker dedication ceremonies for years who advise
us that it is one of the finest programs that they have ever seen. Click here to see and print the 12 page
Anson Jones Marker Dedication Program

The Anson Jones Texas Historical marker Ceremony was sponsored by the Texas Heritage Society and the Harris
County Historical Commission. The San Jacinto Descendants were the financial sponsors of the Anson Jones marker.
The pledges to the United Sates flag and the Texas flag were led by William Haddock, Past President of the
San Jacinto Chapter of the Sons of the Republic of Texas and Vice-President General of the San Jacinto Descendants.
The Invocation was led by Francita Ulmer of the San Jacinto Descendants.
Houston Mayor Bill White appeared and gave an inspiring speech concerning the importance of preserving the
early history of Texas.
The State of Texas does not pay for Texas State Historical markers. The $1,500 dollars for the casting of the
Anson Jones marker was paid to the Texas Historical Commission by the San Jacinto Descendants. The San Jacinto Descendants
were represented at the dedication ceremony by President General Nan White Morris who spoke about Anson Jones' important roles
in the Battle of San Jacinto and the early Republic of Texas.
Anson Jones married Mary Smith McCrory in 1840. She was later elected the first President
of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Eron Brimberry Tynes, President of the San Jacinto Chapter of the Daughters
of the Republic of Texas, spoke about Mary Smith McCrory Jones and the early history of the Daughters of the Republic of
Texas under Mary Jones' leadership.
As Anson Jones helped found Masonry in Texas, Texas Masons also took a major role in
this ceremony. Jones was the first Worshipful Master of a regularly formed Masonic lodge in Texas. Anson Jones was also
the first Grand Master of Masons in Texas when the Grand Lodge of Texas was founded in Houston, Texas.
Past Grand Master of Masons in Texas, W. Vernon Burke, Jr., spoke about Anson Jones and Masonry in Texas at
the dedication ceremony. He also spoke about the contributions of the Masons in the early history of Texas. Many Masons from around Texas attended the
ceremony wearing their Masonic aprons. Prior to the dedication ceremony, W. Vernon Burke, Jr. opened a Representation of
the Grand Lodge of Texas at Holland Lodge #1 located at 4911 Montrose, Houston, Texas.
In 1837, Anson Jones was a charter member of the Philosophical Society of Texas. The Philosophical Society of
Texas was represented at the dedication ceremony by Dr. Jon Fleming who read the preamble of the charter of the Philosophical
Society of Texas written by Anson Jones and Mirabeau B. Lamar in 1837. Both of these gentlemen would later be elected Presidents of the Republic of Texas. The
charter members of the Philosophical Society of Texas were some of the most influential citizens of the Republic of Texas.
Carlos R. Hamilton, Jr., M. D., Past President of the Harris County Medical Society, spoke about Anson Jones' role as surgeon
following the Battle of San Jacinto, his many contributions to development of medicine in early Texas and the Anson Jones, M. D.
Awards presented annually by the Texas Medical Association.
Anson Jones' home has been preserved at Barrington Living History
Farm at Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park. Curator Pam Skaggs appeared and spoke about Barrington Living History Farm. She
provided the history of Anson Jones' Barrington plantation, the Anson Jones home and their ongoing efforts to preserve the home
and history of the Last President of Texas.
Glenwood Cemetery historian, Joanne Seale Wilson, spoke about the three different
burial sites of Anson Jones and the early history of Glenwood Cemetery.
John Corner's Mexican Land Grant - May 10, 1831

Colonel John Martin, the executive officer of the Texas Army, led the members of the Texas
Army at the Anson Jones marker dedication ceremony. The Texas Army in period attire fired three black
powder rifle salutes following the unveiling of the Anson Jones marker. The Texas Army also be provided
an exceptional color guard at the beginning and at the end of the ceremony.
Debra Blacklock-Sloan, Chair of the Marker Mentorship Committee of the Harris County Historical
Commission presented the many proclamations honoring Anson Jones from the Governor, the City of Houston and the
Harris County Commissioners.
Anson Jones was the last President of the Republic of Texas. He was an early doctor in the Brazoria
Municipality when Texas was still part of Mexico. Anson Jones was the surgeon of the Second Regiment at San
Jacinto and he fought in the Battle of San Jacinto as a private on April 21, 1836 and treated the wounded at
Lorenzo de Zavala's house following the battle.
Anson Jones was a member of the Congress of the Republic of Texas. Later, Sam Houston appointed him
the Minister Plenipotentiary from the Republic of Texas to the United States. Following his return from Washington,
he found that he had been elected to the Senate. He was later appointed the Secretary of State of the Republic
of Texas.
Anson Jones was elected the last President of the Republic of Texas and is known as the "Architect of
Annexation" because his activities and diplomatic strategies led to Texas being annexed by the United States.
Following annexation, Jones retired to his plantation, Barrington, where he wrote the detailed history of his
role in the annexation of Texas.
Jones is the only President of a nation buried in Houston and Harris County, Texas. The Texas Heritage
Society was proud to sponsor the Anson Jones Texas Historical marker dedication ceremony. Pictures from the ceremony
will be posted on this site in the next few days. Special thanks to Loy Anderson, Bonnie Ambrus, Dick Ambrus and the
whole staff of Glenwood Cemetery for the all your help and wonderful hospitality in making the Anson Jones marker
dedication ceremony such a huge success.
Representatives of the Texas Heritage Society, Harris County Historical Commission
and Glenwood Cemetery

Representatives of the Texas Heritage Society, Harris County Historical Commission
and Glenwood Cemetery met on October 19, 2009 to plan the Anson Jones Texas Historical Marker
dedication ceremony scheduled for November 21, 2009. Pictured, front row, left to right: Brenda Horton,
Melinda Cagle, Kameron Searle. Back row, left to right: Debra Blacklock-Sloan, Bernice Mistrot, Loy
Anderson, Pat Spackey and Bonnie Ambrus.
The Mistrots and the Cagles

Left to right: Gus Mistrot, Sons of Confederate Veterans; Bernice Mistrot, Chair of the Harris
County Historical Commission's Marker Review Committee; Melinda Cagle, Chair of the Texas Heritage Society's
Anson Jones Marker Dedication Ceremony Committee; and Carrol D. Cagle, M.D., Texas Heritage Society Director
at Large.
Dr. Carrol Cagle and Ted Spackey

Left to right: Dr. Carrol Cagle and Ted Spackey, members of the Texas Heritage Society,
prepared to assist at the sign-in table. They assisted a rather large crowd despite the weather. More
than one hundred guests attended the Anson Jones marker ceremony.
Ted Spackey and Dr. Carrol Cagle

Texas Heritage Society members, Ted Spackey and Dr. Carrol Cagle
(holding umbrellas), assisted with the sign-in table, passing out Anson Jones
marker programs to dedication ceremony guests. Jesse Bounds, attached to Mayor
Bill White, and Francita Ulmer, member of Harris County Historical Commission and
member of the San Jacinto Descendants, sign the guest book. Also assisting at
the far end of the table was Texas Heritage Society Editor, Melinda Cagle, who took
the leading role in the design, editing and production of the Anson Jones marker program./p>
Barbara Hamilton

Despite the cool rainy weather, Texas Heritage Society Director
at Large, Barbara Hamiltion, was present with a big smile to remember Anson Jones, the last
President of the Republic of Texas.
Pat Spackey and Debra Blacklock-Sloan

Left to right: Pat Spackey, Texas Heritage Society Publicity Chair; and Debra Blacklock-Sloan,
Chair of the Harris County Historical Commission Marker Mentorship Committee.
Will Haddock Leads the Pledge of Allegiance

William P. Haddock, San Jacinto Chapter of the Sons of the Republic
of Texas and San Jacinto Descendants, leads the pledge to the Texas flag.
Anson Jones Marker Dedication

Left to right: Texas Heritage Society President, Kameron Searle, makes opening
remarks and introductions.
Ceremony Crowd Overflows Tent

Anson Jones marker dedication ceremony.
Texas Army with Piper

Left to right: Members of the Texas Army, shown here with piper, provided the color
guard and the black powder rifle salute. Left to right: Denton Bryant, Col. Michael Thompson, Col.
John Martin, Col. ?, Col. Jim Peddy, Col. Jerry Tubbs, Admiral Texas Navy Sam Whitley and piper,
Stanley Fontenot. Several of these gentlemen are also members of Frontier Lodge #28, A.F. & A.M.
Anson Jones Marker Dedication Ceremony in Texas Mason Magazine

The Anson Jones Texas Historical marker ceremony received a wonderful write up in the Texas Mason Magazine.
Texas Army Fires Salute in Honor of President Anson Jones

Left to right: The Texas Army fires black powder rifle salute in honor of Anson Jones
immediately following the unveiling of the Anson Jones Texas Historical marker. Left to right: Col.
John Martin, Col. Michael Thompson, Col. Jim Peddy and Col. Jerry Tubbs.
Eron Brimberry Tynes Speaks

Eron Brimberry Tynes, President of the San Jacinto Chapter of the Daughters of the
Republic of Texas, spoke about Asnon Jones' wife, Mary Smith McCrory Jones, who was the first
President of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas.
Anson Jones Historical Commission Marker Ceremony

Anson Jones Texas Historical marker dedication ceremony on November 21, 2009 at
Glenwood Cemetery in Houston, Texas.
Houston Mayor Bill White

Houston Mayor Bill White speaks about the importance of preserving Texas history.
Vernon Burke Past Grand Master of Masons in Texas

Past Grand Master of Masons in Texas, W. Vernon Burke, Jr., spoke about
Anson Jones and the contributions of many early Texas Masons to the Republic of Texas.
W. Vernon Burke, Jr. strongly encouraged Kameron Searle to sponsor the Texas Historical
Commission marker for Anson Jones in 2006. Brother Burke was also helpful with a number
of important details following the approval of the Anson Jones marker application
including, but not limited to the notification of Masons across Texas about the ceremony
and the opening of a Representation of the Grand Lodge of Texas at Holland Lodge #1 on
the morning of the Anson Jones marker dedication ceremony.
Nan White Morris

Nan White Morris, President General of the San Jacinto Descendants,
spoke about Anson Jones activites at San Jacinto. Anson Jones was ta surgeon of the
Second Regiment and fought as a private in the Battle of San Jacinto. The San Jacinto
Descendants paid the $1,500 fee to the Texas Historical Commission for cost of casting
the Anson Jones marker.
Pat Spackey, Eron Tynes and Anita Cooper

Left to right: Pat Spackey, Texas Heritage Society Publicity Chair;
Eron Brimberry Tynes, President of the San Jacinto Chapter of the Daughters of the
Republic of Texas; Anita Cooper, San Jacinto Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic
of Texas, and "Mr. Anita Cooper" (Charles Sterling), Eron Brimberry Tynes is holding
a copy of the 12-page Anson Jones marker program.
Col. Martin Executive Officer of Texas Army Salutes the Flag

Col. John Martin, the Executive Officer of the Texas Army, in Republic
of Texas-era Masonic apron, salutes the United States flag./p>
Bernice Mistrot and Debra Blacklock-Sloan

Debra Blacklock-Sloan (right), Chair of the Harris County Historical
ommission Marker Mentorship Committee, with the assistance of Bernice Mistrot (left),
Chair of the Harris County Historical Commission Marker Review, reads the many
proclamations honoring the memory of Anson Jones. This proclamation was from the
Texas State Senate.
Mayor White, Fred Kurtis Kasper and Masons

Houston Mayor Bill White shakes hands with the Worshipful Master of Holland Lodge #1, A.F. & A.M.,
Fred Kurtis Kasper and other Masons.
Ted Spackey and Dr. Carrol Cagle

Stanley D. Wilkinson with his daughter and Kameron Searle.
Kameron Searle, Debra Blacklock-Sloan and Lee Sloan

Kameron Searle, Debra Blacklock-Sloan, Harris County Historical
Commission Marker Mentorship Chair, and Lee Sloan.
Texas Heritage Society President Kameron Searle Prior to Unveiling of Anson Jones Marker

Anson Jones marker sponsor and historian, Kameron Searle, stands in front of the covered marker.
Portraying Children during the Republic of Texas

Jennifer Searle and Kary Searle in re-enactment outfits.
Pam Skaggs - Curator Barrington Living History Farm

Pam Skaggs Speaks about Anson Jones, his time at Barrington, and the
ongoing preservation activities at Barrington Farm which include living history.
Joanne Seale Wilson

Glenwood Cemetery Historian Joanne Seale Wilson speaks about the history of the
Glenwood Cemetery in Houston, Texas where Anson Jones the Last President of the Republic of Texas
was laid to rest and where the Texas Historical Commission marker remembering his life was dedicated.
Ralph Hanson and Dr. Carlos Hamilton

Ralph Hanson, Past Master of Brookshire Lodge #1066, and Dr. Carlos Hamilton,
Past President of the Harris County Medical Society
Kameron Searle Searle and Vernon Burke

Kameron Searle, Past Master of Brookshire Lodge #1066, was the historian for the Anson Jones marker.
Masonsonic brothers, Vernon Burke and Don Pugh, had encouraged Searle to work on a Texas Historical Commission marker for
Anson Jones, The Father of Masonry in Texas, The Architect of Annexation and the Last President of the Republic of Texas.
Julia and Russell Cartwright

Julia and Russell Cartwright with the San Jacinto Descendants remember Anson
Jones' service as a soldier in the Battle of San Jacinto. After fighting in the battle as a private
in the infantry, Jones treated the wounded Texian soldiers. The San Jacinto Descendants sponsored
the marker and paid the costs of casting the marker after its approval by the Texas Historical Commission.
Nancy Morris and Will Haddock

Nancy Morris, President General of the San Jacinto Descendants, and Will Haddock,
Vice President General of San Jacinto Descendants honoring the memory of Anson Jones. The San Jacinto Descendants
were the financial sponsors of the Anson Jones marker.

L to R: Pat Spackey (Dr. Charles B. Stewart and
W. W. Shepperd family); Martha Gandy (Judge Nathaniel
Hart Davis family); Sheran McCants (The Robinson
family). (Back) Kameron Searle (The W.W. Shepperd
family); Julia and Russell Cartwright (The Cartwright
family). Photo courtesy of pat
Article by Pat Spackey
The Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis Chapter of the The Daughters of the Republic of Texas received a Texas
history lecture when historian, Kameron Searle, spoke to their chapter during a recent meeting. Members of the
chapter who are descendants of early settlers of the Lake Creek Settlement and the town of Montgomery in the 1830's
and 1840's posed for a photo with Searle, who has researched the Lake Creek Settlement and Montgomery for over ten years.
A Houston attorney, Kameron Searle is President of the Texas Heritage Society and a member of the
San Jacinto Chapter of the Sons of the Republic of Texas. He gave a very informative account of the History of
the Lake Creek Settlement and the founding of the town of Montgomery in July 1837.
Pictured are descendants of early families who settled in Lake Creek and in Montgomery during the early
years when the town of Montgomery was founded. For more information on the early history of the Lake Creek Settlement
and the Town of Montgomery, view the web site
at http://texashistorypage.com/Lake_Creek_Settlement.html
For information about the Judge Nat Hart Davis Chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas,
please contact President, Pat Spackey at pat.texasflaglady@sbcglobal.net.
