THE undersigned respectfully
the Public that he has had the town
of Montgomery re-surveyed, and is now
ready to make sale of Lots to those wishing
to purchase.
The lands
surrounding Montgomery,
known as the Lake
Creek Settlement, being
of such a rich and fertile character, and hav-
ing a rich and industrious population, it is
destined to be, in a short time, a town of con-
siderable importance,
Montgomery is the county site of
most flourishing, populous and intelligent
county in the Republic. It is situated
an elevated ridge, which divides the waters
of the San Jacinto river and Lake creek.
In point of health, Montgomery is not infe-
rior to any place in the world, lying in the
same latitude.
A plan of the town can be seen at
Clerk's Office, in the town of Montgomery.
For terms and further particulors, apply
the undersigned.
A. M'Cown,