Marriage of Charles B. Stewart and Julia Shepperd
in the Lake Creek Settlement
on March 11, 1836

Deed A-1
[Page 240]
Republic of Texas
County of Washington
Be it remembered that on the Eighth day of March 1836 Eighteen Hundred and thirty six that I James
Hall Judge of the Municipality of Washington authorised W W Shepperd of Lake Creek to celebrate a contract of
marriage between C B Stewart & Julia Shepperd of which I herein make due record this 23 day of Januy 1837
Copying the same to Wit
To W W Shepperd Esqr.
Sir- You are hereby authorised to celebrate a contract of marriage between Chas B Stewart and Julia Shepperd and
give to it the said contract the necessary formality before assisting witnesses
Washington March 8. 1836
James Hall
Primary Judge
By virtue of the foregoing authority to me directed I William W Shepperd on Lake Creek on the
11th day of March 1836 caused the contract of Marriage between the parties referred to be executed

Deed A-1
executed before me and the [water damage] whose names are signed at the end [water damage]
We the undersigned C B Stewart and Julia T Shepperd being moved by mutual affection
and conscious of the [water damage] and responsible estate of matrimony [water damage] by this act or contract
unite ourselves [water damage] marriage solemnly pledging ourselves [water damage] live Chastity a Wedded
life And [water damage] act we declare to be signed with our own hands and of our own free will on the
date before written.
Charles B Stewart
Julia T Shepperd
And which I certify with assisting witnesses who also attest the signatures of the
parties contracting this 11th day of March 1836. Signed W W Shepperd
Witness Wm C Clark
Witness Chas Garrett
Jno Wade
I C B Stewart having become by the above contract of marriage entitled to an augmentation of land
to that, which I have as a single man received from the Government Do by his Instrument of Conveyance assign give
and grant into the hands of W W Shepperd and Josh Fletcher, citizens, for the use of the above named Julia Shepperd
her children or heirs of her body or by reversion, all my right, title to and claim for Said
Augmentation, be it more or less, constituting them the trustees to said gift, with all the powers vested by[water

Deed A-1
Page 242
[water damage] the Civil law of Louisiana and [water damage]...[sic]ing her the Said Julia
Shepperd my wife
Transcription by Kameron Searle