Searle Record
by Sardis Chapman of Southampton, Massachusetts
A Family History of the Descendants of John Searle
One of the Original Settlers of Springfield, Massachusetts

Searle Record: Copied, Indexed, and Typed by Mrs. Max Lederer, Jr.,
Southampton Mass., Presented by the Submit Clark Chapter, Daughters of the American
Revolution, Easthampton, Mass., January - 1939, Mrs. Kenneth E. Hutchinson, Regent, Southampton, Mass.
Sardis Chapman wrote in the Searle Record, "John Searle(1) in 1635
in company with others came to Springfield, Mass., as first settlers of that place. His home lot was a little
north of the Union Depot of that city. He married, March 19, 1639, Sarah Baldwin, but they were separated by
his death August 11, 1641. He left a son, John(2) Searle, born March 30, 1641. He made his will eight months
before, and may have been in feeble health. His widow married April 28, 1642 the next spring, Alexander
Edwards. In 1655 they removed as first settlers to what is now the city of Northampton. They are the ancestors
of all of the name of Edwards and Searle in the Connecticut valley."

The Searle Record is the family record of the many descendants of John Searle(1)
of Springfield, Massachusetts. Click here to read the 153 page
Searle Record. There is also a great deal of genealogical information in the Searle Record about the Pomeroy
family of Southampton Massachusetts.